Life Coaching

Your New Life Begins Today

Goal Setting

Set smart goals you have probably heard of SMART goals already. But do you always apply the rule? In order for goals to be powerful and effective, they should be designed to be SMART.

Relationships & Connections

It is vital to build and cultivate positive relationships. It is equally important to learn how to recognize toxic relationships that can cause havoc on your life while acknowledging and cherishing the relationships that add value to your life and build you up.

Stress Management

The signs and symptoms of stress may be cognitive, emotional, physical, or behavioral. The key is managing these situations using positive techniques.

Lessons Learned

If you want a job that brings fulfillment, then aligning your work with your values is essential. If you already derive fulfillment from work, then your work is probably already an extension of your values.

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

A life coach will help you focus on whatever area in your life that you would like to nurture, whether it’s learning, relationships, wellness, or your career path. A life coach will inspire you to achieve your goals and tell you it’s time to lose all the excuses. A life coach will encourage you and hold you accountable for achieving your personal growth.

As a life coach, I will encourage you to live your best life and to work on being a better version of yourself.  As your life coach, I will remind you always to remember who you are and that you are worthy of love & belonging.

What Is Life Coaching?

A life coach is someone who helps you identify your goals and develop an actionable plan to achieve them

A life coach encourages and counsels clients on a range of professional and personal issues

Life coaching is focused on your present and your future. Coaching accepts your current reality and looks to improve your outcome moving forward.

People choose to hire life coaches because they want to do more tomorrow than they can do today. They want to improve their output and see more growth, and they want to do those things quickly and to the best of their ability.

A life coach will identify the gap between where you are and where you want to be. When you ask yourself what is a life coach and why should I work with one, you’re asking yourself how can I reach my full potential living a life with purpose and intention.

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

Choosing to work with a life coach is a major decision. You might have heard about their various capabilities and wondered if you should get a life coach to help with your situation. 

Truth be told, we could all use a bit of coaching in our lives at one point or another. Life doesn’t come with manuals, so spending time with a coach can be an insightful experience, allowing you to re-focus, re-frame, and reboot! 


We all get intimidated from time to time by challenges in our lives. Even Oprah was afraid of public speaking. The key difference is that successful people know how to find their inner strength. They know how to use that fear and use it to grow as a person, instead of letting it hold them back. If you’re having trouble overcoming your own feelings of fear, you need a life coach.


Do you remember what you said you wanted to be when you left high school? Are you still searching to find it years later? Feeling unfulfilled at work or in a relationship can make life feel less meaningful. If you continue to feel unsure about what you want to do, but know that what you are doing now is not right for you, it is time to see a life coach.


Limiting our own beliefs often leads to feelings of fear. What you tell yourself because of this fear may not be true at all. Do you consistently tell yourself that you’re not good enough to achieve your goals? Do you consistently talk yourself out of the positive things you actually deserve? We all have battle scars in our past. For some of us, they are very hard to let go and that limits us from moving forward in life toward our goals.


Many of us suffer from self-sabotage and ruin our own success – and we didn’t even know it happened sometimes. Often times, we’ll take one step forward and two back: we’ll eat healthily during the week and then binge all weekend or we allow ourselves to be in a relationship that has deteriorated into negativity, jealousy, and insecurity. Maybe it’s spending too much time on social media to escape real life.


You have a goal, let’s say starting a business. That’s great but you need more than this goal to achieve that dream. You will need to have laser-focused energy with a clear vision to turn that dream into reality. A life coach will assist with clarifying your goals to help you hone in on what you truly want and toss out the clutter getting in your way toward success.


Take a minute to think about your current status in both your professional and personal life. Do you feel like you’ve missed out on things because you were always too afraid to take action? If your confidence is nowhere near where it should be, or perhaps you’re having trouble navigating life because you’re too close to your problems to see the next step, a life coach is there to help you find clarity and guide you to a more proactive path.


Changing jobs or losing a job, moving to a new city, or even getting out of a relationship are all perfect times that you need a life coach. The last thing you’d want to do is burn out your family and friends with so many discussions about your sudden life changes. You want the transition to be as smooth as possible. You want to begin your new life on your own terms and if that feels like a struggle, you’ll need a life coach to help clarify them.


 Do you often think “Sure, I got this. I’ll start tomorrow. ” or “Yes  I can do that. I’ll start soon.” Procrastinators all over should be asking “Do I need a life coach?” right about now. You know it’s not good to put off what you can do today. You know it but for some reason, it just doesn’t register to force the rest of you to get motivated on it. A life coach is there to help break you from counterproductive patterns. A life coach is there to teach you invaluable time management skills and how to create the time targets you need to hit your goals!

My Approach

To help you identify your life purpose and aspirations

I use coaching techniques that are based on my professional, personal, educational, and real-life scenarios, to help guide and support you through life challenges and successes.

We will work on getting your inner game (Mindset) right by digging deep in order to eliminate the clutter and remove the noise that is blocking your way

Support the development of your vision and help you achieve your goals

Most importantly I will focus on your inner strengths, resiliency and the will to achieve what you never thought possible.

Encourage you to embrace life’s journey through change, lessons of failure, success, and hardship as a big part of the “whole” picture versus a goal or means to an end.

How It Works

Step 1- Get Your Inner Game Right

Before you can achieve your vision, you will first need to believe that you can achieve it. With my help, you will develop the mindset that will help you succeed in gaining the mental and emotional skills necessary to be the leader of your life.


Step 2 – Develop Your Vision & Strategy

We all get our ideas trapped inside our head with lots of “can’t/won’t/could of/and should of’s.” Realization depends on your ability to take action and work through challenges. I will help you develop your vision, create the strategy that is going to make it happen, and start taking action.

Step 3 – Take actions

At some stage, you may experience feelings and thoughts such as ‘what was I thinking’ or ‘there’s too much to do.’ I will help you overcome that overwhelming feeling, put-off procrastination, and excuses, and take regular action to create sustainable momentum that gives you the life you crave.

Initial Consultation Free

More Details
  • 30 minutes to explore if this is the right fit for you

Individual Life Coach Package

More Details
  • 3 Months Coaching Package, includes:
    • 12 calls over a 3 month period
    • 60 minutes per session, weekly
    • Support between sessions via email
    • Complimentary welcome kit for first-time clients
    • Sessions are virtual online video or audio
  • For individuals seeking empowerment, self-improvement, and personal growth
  • Or contact to discuss a personalized package
    • Payment plans available

Focused Life Coach Package

More Details
  • 4 Sessions
    • Weekly sessions, 60 minutes each
    • Sessions are virtual online video or audio
  • This package focuses on one area of concern that you need to resolve or improve. 
  • Contact to discuss a personalized package or payment plan options.

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