Amal Candido

Helping you decide if this is for you!

How do I know if Coaching is
Right for Me?

If a number of these statements ring true, rest assured that you are ready to get the most significant possible benefit investing in professional coaching.

You are being asked to do things that were exciting in the past, but that no longer interest you

You're being asked to do things that you've never been able to do before, and you want to.

You believe you have more potential than you're currently able to express at work.

You see the solution to the problems everyone complains about, but you aren’t being heard

You are tired of feeling stuck in a position that doesn’t quite fit.

You’ve just been promoted to an exciting new position that you know will stretch you

Your pay grade does not reflect the level or amount of work you are being asked to do.

You have a vision for your career that your boss has no interest or no bandwidth, to support

You have a strong desire to make fuller use of your gifts and talents in your job, or your life overall.

You have some big, untapped professional goals that you care deeply about.

You have some significant personal challenges that you need to solve to succeed at work.

You are willing to challenge your own perspectives, take risks, and stretch yourself to achieve your goals.

The Benefits of Coaching

A coach will help you identify your strengths and work with you to develop them while identifying personal and professional goals. A coach is dedicated to assisting you throughout the change process.

Gain a thought partner to share frustrations, brainstorm big ideas, and discuss core challenges.

Builds the courage to start important initiatives in your life, organization, or industry.

Get your time management and under control and cultivate work-life balance.

You will learn to capitalize on your strengths.

Build confidence to speak publicly about your position to both small and large audiences.

Advocate for your perspectives with management, senior leaders, and peers.

Get support to work through tough or conflicted/complicated relationships.

Build resilience and heal from past workplace traumas.

Help you to see your true self and to understand and trust your full potential.

Stop making the same professional mistakes repeatedly.

Supercharge, inspired, and energized to create the change you like to see.

Lead with authenticity, vulnerability, confidence and compassion

Why I Became a Coach

For a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose. I enjoy making a difference and being part of something that is bigger than myself.

To help improve positive self-esteem and increase the level of self-confidence and accomplishments

To achieve a greater connection to the world, my colleagues, and clients

Help people achieve their goals & aspirations

Help people to overcome obstacles and setbacks that get in their way

Enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle while making a positive contribution to the world.

To help ease suffering so you can live well

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Start Forging Your Own Path Today!